Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. How does a business determine if adding a membership is a good fit for their model? Or their industry?

    2. What are the different membership models/structures you’ve seen? Real World Examples?

    3. Are there common mistakes you see businesses make with their membership?

    4. How do you recommend organizing or planning your membership content for consumption?

    5. What are the top things that the most successful memberships do to separate themselves from your average membership experience?

    6. What strategies have you seen used to successfully reduce churn or attrition?

    7. What roles and/or skills are involved in the successful implementation or management of a membership site?

    8. What are some common, ongoing challenges you see from launched memberships?

    9. How does a business determine what tech to use for their membership?

    10. What Keap features are critical to support a membership?

    1. Parting Words

    2. Feedback Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Memberships offer predictability and recurring revenue

Real World Experience

Advice and perspective from more than a dozen experts who have first hand experience launching and growing memberships, and building predictable recurring income.