We're here to help.

  • Free online courses

    Our courses and trainings cover everything you need to grow your business. We also curate content from some of our top influencers and partners to bring you the best training from subject matter experts.

  • Live events & training

    Our events are designed to give you clarity and confidence about the next right steps for your business to grow, and how to best leverage Keap to make it all happen.

  • Growing community

    One of the things our team loves the most is connecting you to the right resources that you need to reach the next level. Courses, partners, or other business owners like you. The Keap Community has it all.

Meet your instructors

(AKA coaches, fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, soon-to-be biggest fans)

Our formula for success:

Software + Strategy + Support

  • Game-changing software with the most powerful automation builder, and our brand new AI-powered copy generator.

  • Expert strategies to put to use in your business today, no matter what stage.

  • Keap chat and phone support, our Help Center, plus our coaches and the Keap Academy team mean you've got our support 24/7.

"Everything about this experience exceeded expectations - I was hoping to just learn a few "new tricks", but it was so much more comprehensive."

- Sandra, Keap User

"The workshop was great, it gave me a whole new outlook on how campaign creation should be. If I could have that everyday of my life I would. It was well done and has set a new bar for every webinar I attend going forward."

- Dozie, Keap User

"I have gotten so much out of this class. What’s crazy is it’s not all Keap oriented. It’s been one of the most productive things that I have done. even though I have not gotten through all the content."

- Jill, Keap User

"It exceeded my expectations. I was blown away by it all. Excellent!! Just what I needed to feel more configurable with software. Thank you!"

- L. Miller, Keap User

"Such useful content that goes beyond just how to use keap, but really how to "use our own business". Takes in consideration the big picture while going into the details of the how to. "

- Julie P., Keap User

"I wish I would have gone through this course a few years ago. I find the layout of the Keap Academy courses to be easy to follow and keeping track where I'm at in the course is a breeze. I love seeing the checkmark when a section is completed and the automated emails I get. I feel like I've accomplished something of value and will be able to execute, understand or delegate in the future. You guys have made huge improvements in the Keap Academy. Great job and thanks for helping me become more confident using Keap!"

Walt, Keap User

Automation Lab: San Diego

Enjoy a two-day classroom-style event, with business automation strategy and hands-on implementation.

Event Details